Rzeźba dzika z brązu-

Rzeźba dzika z brązu którą każdy myśliwy z dumą postawi na biurku jako symbol łowieckiej pasji. Wymiary:długość 51 cm wysokość 33 cm. Rzeźba ma bardzo ładną patynę, stan bardzo dobry . Rzeźba z sygnaturą, kopia XIX w.


Isidore Bonheur came from a family of important painters and sculptors. His sister was Rosa Bonheur the famous painter; his father was also a painter who first taught him the skill, and his uncle by marriage was a bronze founder who cast many of his works. He exhibited regularly at the salon from 1848 onwards, winning medals in 1865 and 1869 and a prestigious gold medal at the Exposition Universelle of 1889. His naturalistic studies of animals are now some of the most highly sought after works by any of the Animalier sculptors.